⛩️ LIVE on Kickstarter ⛩️

It's official folks, we're LIVE on Kickstarter. 

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Loads of cool digital and physical rewards to check out (everything ships internationally). Some pretty ambitious stretch goals to hit too!

Some of my favorite backer rewards:

- Put your pet in the game (not limited to cats! Any furry or non-furry friends are welcome, though fish might be difficult to pet).
- Hardcover art book (great for a coffee table or a coaster for a comically large mug.
- Kickstarter-Exclusive T-Shirt (it's for wearing!)

Some of my favorite stretch goals:

- An alternate playable character with her own storyline!
- Death's Storehouse, a spirit-filled expansion area set in a kami-cursed swamp.
- Console ports.

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